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Almost There

FF Prompt 2018-05-04 karen-rawson

Photo Prompt by Karen Rawson

“We’re almost there! 15 years have passed since I last stood in this spot. See that roof? That’s the cabin. That wasn’t visible from this spot, once upon a time. Not sure how we’re gonna get across the muck that was once a gentle, babbling brook. And those steps, once solid and surrounded by a forest of green, look pretty questionable now. That cabin was once a safe haven. My happy, hidden place. It’s not on any map. I hope it’s still safe. Take care and keep your head low, though. The world has changed. It might already be occupied.”

It’s been a while since I’ve made time for the Friday Fictioneers. Here’s my 100 words inspired by the photo. Thanks to Rochelle for keeping it going. Thanks also to Karen for the photo.