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This week I’m much later than in the past. School is the challenge, and keeping up with the schedule. I hope to make it in the loop with this story inspired by the weekly photo prompt Rochelle Wisoff-Fields provided.  If you want to participate or learn more about this weekly event, visit her Friday Fictioneers link.  Thanks also to Sean Fallon for providing the photo.  Intriguing. As always, 100 words, fiction, based on the prompt. Enjoy!

FF Prompt 2016-03-04 Batteries copyight-sean-fallon

Closure, kNOw Peace

Feminine energy disguised as common batteries. Her years of searching were over. The energy of innocence stolen, leaving silent, shamed souls to carry their secret for decades, paying a price they hadn’t agreed to, while he continued in pursuit of his next victim. Such an arrogant prick to leave them there out in the open, his trophies. Could it be so easy? Just slip the jar into her hobo bag and walk out? It was and she did. She stepped over his body, never looked back. He certainly hadn’t. She would take hers back after the last ‘battery’ was returned.

An InLinkz Link-up